Posts Submission Procedur
Aside from publications that will be written by the blog team and those that will be invited by the team, we welcome submisions from professionals and stakeholders in the field for publication on the blog.
Submission Instructions:
Posts should be submitted as a Microsoft Word document to the blog's email: esg.blog@runi.ac.il, or attached in the following application form.
Scope: Posts should contain between 700 and 1500 words.
Content Guidelines: We are looking for posts about environmental, social and corporate governance issues related to the business sector.
These posts need to offer significant points of view, relevant analyses, a review of trends in this field and their effects, possible critisism, etc. The posts must be original, have a professional background and reliable research, include sources and references and no marketing discourse. -
References and further reading: the lists can refer to additional documents through active links and giving adequate credit. In the case of such a reference, the document or the link to it must be sent to the blog team together with the post.
Submission Review: Our editorial team will review each submission and reply to the writer as soon as possible if and when the submitted post will be published, accompanied by suggested corrections as needed. The system does not undertake to publish every post that is sent.
Comments to posts: The blog welcomes and encourages reader engagement through comments. Authors of posts should be willing to engage in public discourse about their posts and maintain professionalism in all online interactions.